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First Beard Angst


The joys of Manhood are always on the mind of a boy who observes that men get to do cool stuff. Fortunately I do know some very cool guys who give male youth every opportunity to connect with all that is worthy of exploring. Enter my longtime friend and co-broadcaster John Ryan: he’s been involved in Scouting (Boy Scouts of America) since youth and has continued as a seasoned Scout Master. His mission is to give the male child a chance to develop the skills men traditionally learn—everything from hunting and fishing to life skills like food prep and survival. His latest outing was Mashmucket, a Northeast Connecticut preserve that gave boys opportunity to develop teamwork, friendship and a break from typical Scout Learns Welding Skills daily living. They often have no father or sound home life.

As a boy I was shocked to discover the pattern of maturing in terms of body hair. By age 10 the legs sprouted generous hair. Arms came a few years later, then the peach fuzz on the lip by 13 was yielding stronger whiskers. My first reaction was to pluck them; I had no real beard role model and Dad was from long-standing Coast Guard stock (living with the razor). Something told me never to shave the lip, and finally mastering the need to stop plucking the early evidences of manhood eventually gave comfort in a moustache I’ve had since 1974.

Click here for full article


The Young and the Bearded:
Why Beards Are So Important

by Bill Alley, Media Director, Beardsley and Company


We The Bearded know quite a bit about the stuff beards do to enable us in carrying on manhood. It’s not just the look we prefer, or some way to get attention. Most men just grow facial hair because they want to, it feels right, it meets the mark of family tradition, it separates the men from the boys…and right there is where the entire August 2019 Beardsley world stops the presses to make a declaration.

Are you aware many boys are asking, seeking, contemplating, dreaming, wondering, dreading and in some cases, obsessing over this: Will I ever have facial hair? Can I grow a good beard? And when?

There is a great deal on the subject, and since most youths are way better harnessing the power of the computer and Internet, they pull up online things like Reddit, Facebook, Imgur, Instagram and any variety of beard related product, advice, group or forum.

Click here for full article


Podcast: Jeff Falberg; Hank Stevens

Jason Belmonte